Event details:
Last Class:
We had 茶そば with avocado and cucumber and お好み焼き this time made by Bethanyさん! 美味しかったですよ!
We covered:
Genki Lesson 7 Grammar point 1 -ている form for continuous states and states as a result of a change
Kanji Quiz 東 to 左
Vocabulary of Lesson 7
Nuances of 知る vs 分かる
Workbook p. 64
Workbook pp. 65-66 (you can turn in next week)
Study Grammar Point 1 and 2 of Lesson 7
Quiz will be on p.168 vocabulary
This coming class of the 27th will be held at Dillerさんの家
Note: I will be changing the format and not add class minutes and thoughts to the same class post. I will add them to the next meeting post until otherwise noted.